How to Teach Biblical Narratives in Youth Ministry
Narratives include a specific pace, plot, and memorable lines from broadly sketched characters. Here are some principles to help you understand and teach biblical narrative.
Don’t Let Curriculum Shortchange Your Ministry
Curriculum and resources are incredible aids in ministry, especially for new youth pastors. But they can also hinder your growth and shortchange your students if you rely on them too much.
How I’m Teaching the Old Testament at Youth Group
How can youth workers help students learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Old Testament? Here’s one way to teach the law and the Ten Commandments in youth group.
How I’m Teaching Colossians in Youth Group
I believe my students need to grow in Christian maturity, which is what Paul seeks to encourage within the church of Colossae. Here’s how I’m breaking down the series.
Three Homiletical Lenses to Strengthen Your Bible Teaching
These three lenses will help youth ministers teach and apply the Bible to their students more effectively.
Teaching Controversial Passages at Youth Group
How does 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 help youth workers deal with “controversial” issues related to Scripture, theology, church governance, etc.?
What God are We Presenting to Students?
Marvel’s latest series on Disney+ is Moon Knight, which can launch multiple disciple-making conversations with students. One of the biggest questions, however, is for us as youth workers: What kind of God am I presenting to students?